On-Demand: aMUSE Journey Troop 82116 11/07
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Date: Thu Nov 07, 2:00 PM EST - Thu Nov 07, 5:30 PM EST
  • Creative Arts,
  • Highest Awards,
  • Life Skills
  • Juniors,
  • Adults

You are my muse, my inspiration and creative force! Junior Girl Scouts will learn what it is to be their own muse and what it means to play and put on the many roles that life throws at them. Participants will earn three different awards during this Journey, they will Reach Out! By learning about the many roles that individuals play around them and how some of the roles influence stereotypes. Next they will earn the Speak Out! Award! By interviewing women about the many roles they play and turning their interviews into creative work (a podcast, skit/play, piece of art, etc.). Lastly Participants will earn their Try Out! Award by sharing their creative work and pledging to stop stereotypes. Journey will take place on November 7th from 2pm - 5:30pm! 


Girl Information: Participants will receive their Amuse Junior Journey Award Set, included in the price. 

Please provide a light snack and a water bottle. If you already have the Journey Book, you are highly encouraged to bring it but it is not required. Journey materials will be provided if needed. 

Adult Information: If you are a Leader or Girl Scout Adult planning to stay to cover ratios please register so we know you are coming!