Policy is established by the Board of Directors (Board) of Girl Scouts of Central & Southern NJ (GSCSNJ) and can only be changed by the Board. Waivers from Policy are discouraged. Only the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Mission Officer (CMO) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) can request such waivers.
A Girl Scout unit is a troop, group, service unit or independently registered girl associated with a unit.
The adult volunteer is a person age 18 years or older who is a role model who must demonstrate an exemplary standard of behavior; make decisions based upon mutual respect; and adhere to the policies of GSCSNJ based on the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) Promise and Law, GSUSA Volunteer Essentials, GSUSA Bluebook of Basic Documents and GSUSA Risk Management in Girl Scouting. In addition, all federal, state and local laws must be followed.